NOTICE: The Campus Health Pharmacy will CLOSE from 12:00PM to 1:00PM on Tuesday, February 25. We apologize for the inconvenience.

Opt In For Texts

To opt-in for texts from Campus Health, including appointment reminders and messages from the Health Center and CAPS, select Forms on your Patient Portal homepage.

Screenshot of Patient Portal homepage, with the "Forms" button highlighted on the navigation menu

Select Texting Opt-in/Opt-out under Intake Forms.

Screenshot of the Intake Forms section with the "Texting Opt-in/Opt-out" form highlighted

Read the form and select Yes or No in response to the question Would you like to receive text messages? and select Submit. If you select Yes, confirm your cell phone number.

Screenshot of Texting Opt-in/Opt-out form, with the yes/no drop-down menu set to "Yes", text field for phone number confirmation, and Submit button all highlighted; the phone number confirmation field will only appear if you choose "Yes".

You can opt-out of text messaging at any time by updating this form or by updating your profile.

Screenshot of pop-up message window that says "You can opt out at any time by updating this form."
Screenshot of user profile page with the option to opt-in/opt-out of text messages highlighted