Student Organizations
Campus Health sponsors student organizations with talented and dedicated members who work tirelessly to assist Campus Health in its mission of advancing student health and well-being.

Tulane University Peer Health Educators (TUPHEs)
TUPHEs are a diverse group of students who promote healthy choices, personal well-being, and community safety. They provide innovative and inclusive workshops, services, and events to meet the health needs of Tulane students.
- Expanded support system
- Leadership opportunities
- Practical work experience and internship opportunities
- Exposure to the culture of public health and health policy on a college campus
- Increase knowledge and skill in health, public speaking, presenting and cultural competency

Tulane Emergency Medical Services (Tulane EMS)
Tulane EMS is a student-run, Basic Life Support (BLS) emergency medical service based on the Uptown Campus and staffed by student volunteers who are nationally certified EMTs or AEMTs. Tulane EMS offers emergency medical services and first-aid treatment for minor injuries and provides no-cost ambulance transport to nearby hospitals when indicated.
- Become a certified EMT-B within one year, with the ability to pursue an AEMT certification following year.
- Treat minor injuries, stabilize patients, and prepare patients for transport within the community.
- Provide First Aid, AED, Narcan, and CPR training to Tulane groups and departments.
- Volunteer with New Orleans EMS through the VIGOR program.
- Visit local schools and community programs to show children the inner workings of an emergency vehicle

Sexual Aggression Peer Hotline and Education (SAPHE)
SAPHE ("SAFE") is a compassionate group of Tulane students who are dedicated to supporting survivors of sexual violence and addressing rape culture at Tulane. SAPHE provides resources and support to the Tulane community through a peer run 24/7 hotline (504-654-9543) while working to dismantle rape culture on campus through workshops, events, and outreach.
- Leadership opportunities
- Meaningful and practical work experience
- Knowledge and skill in public speaking, presenting and violence prevention

Tulane for Every Body (TU4EB)
Tulane for Every Body is an initiative at Tulane University aimed at bringing awareness and advocating for the inclusion, acceptance, and support of all people regardless of body size and shape. The focus of this group is to draw attention to our true, authentic selves in a manner that steers away from our bodies and towards the qualities that make us valuable people.
- Hold space for conversation around health, body image, and size in a safe and welcoming space, while introducing the tools necessary to implement body respect and self-compassion practices in the everyday lives of students.
- Run regular workshop sessions, events, and projects that dive deep into personal experiences surrounding these issues.
- Encourage others to embrace all aspects of themselves in a society that tells them they are never enough.
More Opportunities for Student Involvement
Looking for other ways to get involved in promoting student health? Here's another opportunity for students to collaborate with Campus Health.

Campus Health Advisory Council
Tulane University’s Campus Health Advisory Council (CHAC) strives to create a platform for all students to communicate their health and well-being needs and concerns with Campus Health administrators. Campus Health is currently looking for members to serve on the council. Sign up to join the discussion and make your voice heard.