NOTICE: The Downtown Student Health Center and CAPS will be physically closed from Monday, February 3, to Monday, February 10. Operations will be conducted remotely and/or relocated to our Uptown location.


If you have an appointment scheduled at the Downtown clinic:

  • Your appointment may be converted to telehealth.
  • You may be asked to come to the Uptown clinic instead.
  • You may be asked to reschedule.

Please check your Patient Portal for more information. We apologize for the inconvenience.

How to Opt Out of T-SHIP

Health Insurance Action Dates and Deadlines

2024-2025 Academic Year
New and returning students

Enrollment Open: June 20, 2024
Compliance Deadline: Aug. 15, 2024

2025 Spring Semester
Students attending for the first time this academic year

Enrollment Open: December 4, 2024
Compliance Deadline: January 15, 2025

Students who do not wish to enroll in the Tulane-sponsored Student Health Insurance Plan must demonstrate that they are enrolled in a health insurance plan that meets or exceeds University standards for adequate insurance. Tulane University has contracted with Gallagher Student Health and Special Risk to provide insurance verification and health insurance enrollment services. Students will submit a waiver request through the Gallagher online portal. Once a waiver request is approved, the student can opt out of T-SHIP.

Waiver Process Instructions

Step One: Review the University standards for adequate insurance.

Tulane strongly suggests that a student and/or their parents review the University’s standards for adequate insurance. The insurance verification process takes time, so reviewing the standards and beginning the health insurance action process early will ensure that compliance is reached before the deadline.

View the University standards for adequate insurance

Step Two: Submit a request to opt out of T-SHIP.

Visit the Gallagher portal, and log in using your Tulane credentials. Follow the on-screen instructions to submit your waiver request.

Opt out of T-SHIP via the Gallagher portal

Step Three: Verify that your waiver request was approved.

You should receive a message in your Tulane email within 24 hours (most are within minutes). This email will contain the status of your waiver request, either APPROVED, PENDING, or DENIED. Note the waiver information is saved from the previous year (if student is covered by the same health insurance as last year, request to populate health insurance from previous year for the current year and click submit).

If your waiver request was approved

If your request was approved, the University has verified that your insurance meets the standards, and you have successfully completed the process. Please note that you will have to repeat this process each academic year that you attend Tulane.

If your waiver request is pending

If your request is pending, you may need to upload additional supporting documents for your request to be approved. Log back in to the Gallagher portal to find out what information is needed.

If your waiver request is denied

If a student has met all applicable deadlines and received a denial through the Gallagher appeals process, they may appeal the decision to Tulane’s Student Health Insurance Appeals Committee (T-SHIP Appeals Committee).

Learn how to appeal

Need assistance?

If you need help navigating the waiver request process, the following resources are available to you: