NOTICE: The Campus Health Pharmacy will CLOSE from 12:00PM to 1:00PM on Tuesday, February 25. We apologize for the inconvenience.

Compliance Guidelines for Returning Students

Generally, returning students do not have to resubmit the Tulane Immunization Compliance Form unless they received a new vaccine covered by the form and/or did not meet the requirements in previous academic years. Returning students are strongly encouraged to follow CDC guidelines and to continue to receive COVID-19 boosters as they are authorized by public health authorities. Returning students are asked to clear up any missing requirements in their immunization records as soon as possible.

Along with receiving COVID-19 boosters as they become available, returning students are also strongly encouraged to complete one step:

Step 1 (strongly encouraged): Provide proof of receipt of the flu vaccine.

Tulane students are strongly encouraged to receive a flu vaccine and submit documentation each flu season. If you receive the vaccine via an entity outside of Tulane, please submit documentation through the Patient Portal. If you receive the vaccine via Campus Health’s annual flu shot clinics, you do not need to upload records to the Patient Portal because they will be automatically entered for you.

How to upload annual flu vaccine records

Clearing registration holds

If you fail to meet any of the immunization requirements, a registration hold will be placed on your student account, and you must complete the missing requirement before the hold can be cleared.

To find out whether you have a registration hold, log in to the Tulane University Class Schedule. An alert will appear if you have any registration holds, as shown in the video below.

If your registration hold is related to immunization compliance, it will say Hlth Immunizations Reg Hold. If you have this hold, determine which requirement(s) you are missing by reviewing your immunization records on the Patient Portal. To print your immunization records:

  1. Log in to the Patient Portal.
  2. Click the Immunizations tab.
  3. Click View your immunization history.
  4. Click the green box that says Print.

Once you've determined which requirement(s) you're missing, follow the appropriate instructions listed on this page to receive the vaccine(s) and submit documentation to Campus Health. If you have any questions or concerns, please email