NOTICE: All Campus Health services will be CLOSED for the Mardi Gras holiday on Monday, March 3 and Tuesday, March 4.

Privacy and Confidentiality of Health Records

At Tulane University Campus Health (TUCH), we place the highest priority on a patient’s right to privacy. We are committed to providing you with exceptional care and we respect your right to privacy and confidentiality of your health information at all times.

We have detailed policies and procedures in place to safeguard your rights to privacy and confidentiality. Tulane University Campus Health (“TUCH”) is required by federal and state law to maintain the privacy of your health information. Treatment of your health information is governed by:

As part of HIPAA requirements, all new patients seeing their health care provider, upon their initial visits, are required to acknowledge the receipt of the Joint FERPA/HIPAA Notice of Privacy Practices. Our Notice of Privacy Practices describes how we may use or disclose your health information; your rights to access your health information and/or to request changes to your health information. Please review carefully.

Students, your privacy is very important to TUCH. We do not allow access to your health information by those outside Tulane University Campus Health unless we have the appropriate authorization to do so.

  • Learn how to request a copy of your medical record from Campus Health.

We may use and disclose your confidential health information without an authorization when (list is not exhaustive, please reference the joint notice for full list):

  • Participating in third-party billing
  • Emergencies
  • To avert a serious and imminent threat to health or safety
  • As required by law – you will be notified the use and disclosure
  • Public Health authorities charged with disease prevention

A Note to Parents, Guardians, and Families

We do not release information about a student's health to parents without the student’s permission, except in accordance with applicable laws and regulations. Please note that in case of emergency/life-threatening situations or when the student cannot give permission due to the severity of illness/injury, the student's emergency contact will be notified by Student Affairs (not Campus Health). Emergency notification doesn't require documentation such as an authorization form or power of attorney to be on file.

Please be aware that Tulane University Campus Health does not review or retain documents submitted in advance of your student establishing a treatment relationship with Campus Health. If your student is an established patient of the Health Center or CAPS and records are needed for care coordination or routine care, our medical records department will assist students and their families through our standardized process to obtain records.

We will release information to parents about the nature of charges from the Health Center to a student's University account or health insurer with the student's permission.

TUCH encourages students and parents to maintain open communication to avoid situations in which parents are worried about the health and well-being of their students.


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