Support Groups
First Year Transition
Designed for first year students, Freshman Transition Group provides a safe space to explore adjustment-related issues—social concerns, loneliness, academic difficulties, etc.—and receive support in the midst of the significant life transition from high school into college.
Journey of Grief and Loss
The Journey of Grief and Loss support group focuses on giving students a space to learn, think about, and discuss grief in a supportive environment. Students will be able to talk about what grief and death mean to them, learn what the grieving process can look like, how to set healthy boundaries, and more. Prescreening required. Group conducted via Zoom.
This weekly group provides a space for survivors of sexual trauma to process the individual and relational impacts of trauma. Group participants provided opportunities to learn more about sexual trauma and the impacts on views of self and relationships with others, process experiences, learn helpful skills for navigating trauma reactivity in everyday life, and explore how to build and sustain positive, nourishing, and empowering relationships to self and others after trauma. Pre-screening required.
Skills-Based Groups
Mindful Mondays
Mindful Mondays is a mindfulness skills-based group designed to introduce undergraduate students to mindful breathing, movement, and meditation practices as a way of reducing stress and anxiety, increase body and mind-awareness, and develop emotional regulation skills. No experience in mindfulness is required to participate. This group is ideal for students struggling with stress, anxiety, or those that are simply looking for ways to relax and cultivate a deeper connection with themselves. Students can attend as many or as few sessions as they would like.