NOTICE: All Campus Health services will be CLOSED for the Mardi Gras holiday on Monday, March 3 and Tuesday, March 4.

Tulane University Peer Health Educators (TUPHEs)

Tulane University Peer Health Educators (TUPHEs) are a diverse group of Tulane students who are committed to enhancing their own health and the health of the Tulane community. The purpose of the program is to advocate for and promote healthy choices, personal well-being, and community safety. Through leadership, education, and awareness, peer educators provide quality, innovative, and inclusive workshops, services, and events to meet the health needs of Tulane students. Every TUPHE is a Bacchus Network Certified Peer Health Educator with training in all of the Well's content areas.

2024-2025 Leadership Team

Chelsea Hill – TUPHE Advisor
Anna Cay Vernon – TUPHE President
Lilly Jackson – Membership Coordinator
Arushi Thakur – Events Coordinator
Shannon Provencal – Training & Workshop Coordinator
Julia Dubovoy – Sexual Health Coordinator
Shanae Venter – Communications Coordinator

Become a TUPHE

Recruitment for TUPHEs Fall 2024 will begin in September. Interest meetings will be September 9th from 4:00 PM to 5:00 PM (LBC 202) and on September 17th from 6:30 PM to 7:30 PM (Commons 300). Interviews will take place October 7th-18th. Please follow our Instagram (@tulanetuphes) to stay up to date. 

Expectations of being a TUPHE

  • Attend all mandatory trainings and weekly meetings.
  • Complete the Certified Peer Health Education (CPE) course and pass the BACCHUS exam.
  • Volunteer for the Well's educational workshops and events. You are expected to do at least one education workshop and to be active on campus as a health mentor through TUPHE and the Well events.
  • Facilitate our annual NSO Live Well at Tulane curriculum to first year students. 

What we do as TUPHEs

  • Weekly Live Well huts, a tabling effort on McAllister where anyone can participate in games, giveaways, and ask questions all targeted to one of our focus areas.
  • Workshops such as Prioritize YOU!, a presentation on self-care, and One Wave, Tulane’s bystander intervention program. New students see TUPHEs present LiveWell at orientation, a workshops designed to teach important alcohol and other drug safety information.
  • Packing and distributing safer sex supplies in academic and residential buildings on campus. (To see all locations, view the safer sex supplies map.)

Benefits of being a TUPHE

  • Expanded support system
  • Leadership opportunities
  • Practical work experience
  • Internship opportunities
  • Exposure to the culture of public health and health policy on a college campus
  • Increase knowledge and/or skills in the following:
    • Public speaking
    • Presentation skills
    • Health knowledge and cultural competency


TUPHE Fall 2024 General Body Application

Application Link

Request a Workshop

Submit Request

To learn more, email