NOTICE: All Campus Health services will be CLOSED for the Mardi Gras holiday on Monday, March 3 and Tuesday, March 4.

Body Respect Week

Web banner with a multicolored background and the Body Respect Week logo.

What is Body Respect Week?

Body Respect Week (BRW) is November 11 - November 15, 2024, and will bring the Tulane community queer-inclusive, holistic, body-positive health events! The messages we receive about our bodies and health can be confusing and oftentimes misleading. We often are told to love our bodies or to embrace body positivity, but Body Respect Week asks us to shift our thinking. Instead, what if we respected our bodies just as they are and for all that they do for us? It invites us to embrace our neutral states, without fear, shame, or pressure. This takes an unlearning of what society has told us matters about our bodies and a relearning of who we truly are.

Who is Body Respect Week for?

Body Respect Week is for all bodies. Body Respect Week is an invitation to be a part of conversations about bodies, one that nourishes and celebrates who we are and who we can become, including every way we show up in the world. We hope that Body Respect Week helps you to think about how has your body—just as it is—helped you survive in this world? What are some ways your body shows up just for you? What can you do to take better care of your body? What would be possible if you decided your body wasn’t the problem? Body Respect Week is an invitation to reclaim the body respect that is your birthright.

Two multicolored lines with the Body Respect Week community agreements listed inside.

Body Respect Week Community Agreements

  • No fatphobia
  • No diet talk
  • No weight, sizes, or specific numbers
  • No unsolicited advice about someone's body

How to Use This Website

We invite you to use this site:

  • To access BRW Media Kit
  • To challenge the way you think about current standards of beauty and fitness.
  • To locate books and videosfacilities and programsactivities, and courses to help you on your way to body acceptance.
  • To expand your understanding of the links between current body ideals and the political, economic and cultural forces that shape them.
  • To get information and assistance with balanced nutrition and eating disorders.
  • To start down the path to body respect by taking the Body Respect Pledge.

On-Campus Resources